Why do you blog?
I blog to…
- get my thoughts in order
- have some history, as my memory is so bad
- to share some oddities, so that others can feel better about their own oddities
- so that I feel that someone else is listening – someone with similar challenges, and not in my circle (hence the anonymity)
I get 1. and 2. right without anyone reading. I am not achieving 3. and 4. due to low following and I certainly don’t have a SEO plan. But those are not primary drivers so I am content to let those slide.
Why do you blog? Would love to have your thoughts.
I blog for all of those reasons you mentioned. As for your reason number 4, I’ll add that for me, it eases my loneliness. I am at home all day by myself, with just my pet parrot. I should go out more, but I don’t because going out usually equals spending money. Also, I have had some difficulty pulling myself out of my nook. I don’t have agoraphobia, but being out and about can sometimes be stressful for me. A couple other reasons I blog are:
5. Explore my creative side. Being creative is so good for me, and satisfying.
6. Feel more grounded. Without my writing I just daydream, or worse, feel mentally blank.
7. Learn. I love to learn from others, and learning is very good for me cognitively.
I am glad I added a reason for you:) And I will take your number 5 please! I think blogging specifically is creative. You are dealing with short pieces: how to structure it and lay it out, and what pictures.
Thank you for responding …. now I got 1. through to 5. for this blog haha!